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**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC

File extension Details of CWK, CXP, CXT, CYP, CYP, CZ, V2, D, D07

File Type:CattleMax data file
Category:Data file
File Description:Data file used by CattleMax.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  Cattlesoft, Inc.

As a commercial cow-calf producer, ease of use and simplicity are important for you and these are the core ideas for the CattleMax Commercial Cattle edition. The Commercial Cattle Edition can be as basic or advanced as you need - you decide how much information to enter, thus saving you time and maximizing your record keeping efforts.

File Type:Omron CX Programmer file
Category:Data file
File Description:File extension is used by Omron CX Programmer.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  Omron Corporation

A software application for programming and setting for OMRON PLCs.

File Type:Vegas Jackpot Gold Game data file
Category:Data file
File Description:

File extension CXT entry has not yet been fully verified by team. It was added in the past to our library and appeared to be accurate.
If you know more or some useful information about CXT file extension, please send us a message by clicking on submit extension button at the top of page.

Open Programs:

Vegas Jackpot Gold

Company / developer:

Vegas Jackpot Gold

Enjoy the greatest virtual casino in the world - step into Vegas Jackpot Gold! Collect your FREE pair of loaded dice and play the most complete collection of casino games - 50 table and video favourites as well as 200 unique slot machines. Gamble your virtual cash on Baccarat, Blackjack, Craps, Keno, Roulette, Money Wheel, Poker, Bingo, and even the Lottery. Customize your slot winnings by choosing betting amounts from a nickel to $1000. That's 1,800 different ways to play!

File Type:Crocodile Physics simulation file
Category:Data file
File Description:File extension is used by Crocodile Physics.
Open Programs:

Crocodile Physics

Company / developer:
  Crocodile Clips Ltd.

A powerful but easy-to-use simulator that lets you model a range of models in electricity, motion and forces, optics and waves.

File Type:FCB Cypher knot diagram
Category:Data file
File Description:File extension is used by FCB Cypher. A structured plain text file used to convey a knot diagram cypher.Used to unambiguously describe and communicate the structure of a knot via a plain text cypher string.
Open Programs:

FCB Cypher

Company / developer:
  The International Guild of Knot Tyers

FCB Cypher

The FCB Cypher was designed to be a means of communicating a knot structure using a string of text characters which can be sent via a simple email, forum post or even communicated by spoken word in an unambiguous manner. Now, with the inclusion of teh knots 'Binary Signature' and 'Find' facility, the utility offers the oportunity to draw a knot and then go straight to its entry in 'The Knot Library'.

File Type:602Pro PC Suite file
Category:Data file
File Description:File extension used by 602Pro PC Suite.
Open Programs:

602PC Suite

Company / developer:
  Software602, Inc.

602Pro PC Suite

602Pro PC Suite is an alternative to Microsoft Office compatible with Word/Excel files. The suite is composed of four full-featured applications: a word processor, spreadsheet, graphics editor and digital photo organizer.

File Type:Microsoft Live Messenger file
Category:Data file
File Description:File extension used by Microsoft Live Messenger.
Open Programs:

Live Messenger

Company / developer:
  Microsoft Corporation

Live Messenger

Windows Live Messenger is the next-generation MSN Messenger. It has everything you already love about Messenger—your contact list, emoticons, and instant access to your friends via text, voice, and video—plus new ways to connect and share photos and documents effortlessly. As always, it's free to download Messenger and use most of its features.

File Type:ChemDraw chemical modeller output file
Category:Data file
File Description:File extension is used by ChemDraw.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  CambridgeSoft Corporation

ChemDraw includes Struct=Name, ChemDraw/Excel and ChemNMR. Create stereochemically correct structures from chemical names, and get accurate IUPAC names for structures. Estimate NMR spectra from a ChemDraw structure with direct atom to spectral correlation. The ChemDraw ActiveX/Plugin adds chemical intelligence to your browser for querying databases and displaying information.

File Type:DeductionPro 2007 file
Category:Data file
File Description:File extension is used by DeductionPro 2007. Application is used for taxes administration.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  RB Digital LLC.


With your recent purchase of Microsoft Money, we're pleased to provide you with a FREE copy of H&R Block's DeductionPro. DeductionPro's accurate fair market values take the guesswork out of deductions, and our intuitive interface helps ensure you won't miss an important deduction that could save you money. Start getting more from your deductions. It's nice to know you're helping others, as well as yourself.

File Type:MicroSim PCBoard NC drill data file
Category:Data file
File Description:File extension is used by MicroSim PCBoard (now OrCAD). Drill data file.
Open Programs:

OrCAD PCB Designer

Company / developer:
  Cadence Design Systems, Inc.

Cadence® OrCAD® PCB Designer contains a fully integrated design flow that includes a constraint manager, design capture technology, component tools, a PCB editor, an auto/interactive router, and interfaces for manufacturing and mechanical CAD.

At the heart of OrCAD PCB Designer is OrCAD PCB Editor, an interactive environment for creating and editing simple to complex multi-layer PCBs. The extensive feature set addresses a wide range of design and manufacturability challenges. OrCAD PCB Designer and OrCAD PCB Designer with PSpice both include Cadence SPECCTRA® for OrCAD, the market-leading PCB solution for automatic and interactive interconnect routing. Designed to handle routing challenges requiring complex design rules, it uses powerful shape-based algorithms for speed and efficient use of the routing area. Optional PSpice® circuit analysis and simulation capabilities integrated with the included OrCAD Capture facilitates rapid design-and-simulate cycles, allowing engineers to explore various design configurations before committing to a specific circuit implementation.

A common database architecture, use model, and library offer truly scalable PCB solutions for both OrCAD and Allegro products, allowing engineers the ability to migrate to the Allegro PCB technologies as their designs and design challenges increase in complexity.

Download Now: Windows Error Repair Tool

**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC